
Invited presentation at eCAADe RIS 2021

ACORN has been present at the 8th eCAADe Regional International Symposium, on 26th May and 7th October 2021, hosted by the POLIS University in Tirana. This online talk focused on the work developed on the digital design of non-prismatic concrete building elements in the scope of the symposium’s theme of Complexity Computations: Design processes and strategies addressing chaos and complexity. Another great opportunity to spread the ACORN word!


ACORN at Digital Design & Computation e-Conference 2021

ACORN was honoured to be invited to give a keynote presentation at the Digital Design & Computation e-Conference 2021, organised by the Institution of Structural Engineers.

In this online event, we showcased our digital design work to deliver efficient non-prismatic concrete elements, networked with academics and professionals using computational design across the globe and spread the word on ACORN’s quest to use just the right amount of concrete… and no more!